Com essas palavras inspiradas pelo Espírito
Santo, Pedro e os outros apóstolos de Cristo, responderam aos anciãos e aos
sacerdotes judeus, quando interrogados a respeito da palavra que propagavam por
toda Jerusalém, em nome de Jesus, o Salvador da humanidade, morto com apoio
destes fariseus e do Sinédrio, que tentavam em vão submeter e silenciar seus
E na história da comunidade cristã, a necessidade
de testemunhar o amor e a vida em Cristo, muitas vezes se repetem, tendo que
por vezes enfrentar as injustiças e a hipocrisia de alguns que tentam se
apropriar da fé, da Igreja, e impor aos humildes, aos cristãos e também aos que
tentam transformar as pessoas e o mundo (seguindo os exemplos do Mestre), suas
vontades e interesses mesquinhos, em acordo com valores seculares, mas
afastados da verdade e dos evangelhos, como no passado dos judeus, que
seduzidos pelo mundano, rejeitaram ao Senhor e aos que seguiam com entusiasmo
as lições que Ele transmitiu com amor.
Hoje vemos, poderosos e governos, juntos com
alguns que pensam controlar ou serem líderes, mesmo entre nós cristãos,
tentarem mais uma vez determinar como devemos viver nossa fé e religiosidade,
mas em desacordo com os exemplos, palavras e mandamentos de Jesus, seja por
interesses relacionados ao "poder", seja pela manutenção de status e
desvios, que na nossa Igreja, entre nós católicos, não encontram respaldo no
representante de Cristo, o Papa Francisco, nem na maioria dos sacerdotes e do
povo de Deus.
Ainda assim como em muitos momentos do passado,
os hipócritas desleais, atacam, mentem, acusam indevidamente, julgam e tentam
atrapalhar o curso da nossa caminhada em direção ao Reino de Deus,
inspirada pelo Espírito Santo e propiciada por Jesus, também através do sucessor de
Pedro, que muito dignamente se dispõem a amar, a seguir, e ser luz e exemplo, como dele se espera, na qualidade de apóstolo de Jesus. E que no
momento tem feito muito para afastar a Igreja de graves desvios, e denunciar e
combater injustiças, tentando conduzir os católicos e muitos outros, a posições
mais fraternas, humildes e verdadeiras.
Num mundo em que vemos, milhões abandonados e todas as formas de violências, outros milhões segregados por raça, cor, sexo, ou
origem, e em meio a pobreza, e a fome, a explorações e a ameaças, duramente
denunciadas por Francisco, diga-se de passagem, oportunamente, enquanto em
algumas partes crescem o extremismo e as maldades com muitos assassinatos, e supostos líderes, que
desejam fomentar as guerras e mortes, por petróleo, por dinheiro e poder, mesmo
aqui na América do Sul, onde ainda há outros duvidosos governantes, também ditos
"cristãos", incentivando violências e em repentes de ódio, e com gestos de
discriminações, são capazes de dizer e propor absurdos, como: aceitar
tranquilamente, a prostituição e o turismo sexual em "sua pátria",
desde que seja numa relação hétero sexual, onde "homens" vão em
buscas de mulheres noutras nações, como se fossem enormes prostíbulos, e nada
significassem as palavras de Cristo no sentido de elevar a dignidade humana.
Só nos resta dizer, e desejar que mais exemplos
como os dos apóstolos em Jerusalém, e do Papa Francisco no Vaticano, ocorram urgentemente, guiados pelo
amor e pela verdade, e sejam denunciadas as maldades e injustiças, com os cristãos resistindo aos
ataques dos pseudos poderosos, e as convenções mundanas, para que haja a percepção e replicação do
que é dito em Atos dos Apóstolos: "Importa obedecer antes a Deus do que aos
Pedro e os apóstolos replicaram: "Importa obedecer antes a Deus do que aos homens."
Con estas palabras inspiradas por el Espíritu Santo, Pedro y los demás apóstoles de Cristo, respondieron a los ancianos ya los sacerdotes judíos, cuando fueron interrogados acerca de la palabra que propagaban por toda Jerusalén, en el nombre de Jesús, el Salvador de la humanidad, muerto con el apoyo de estos fariseos y del Sanedrín, que intentaban en vano someter y silenciar a sus seguidores.
Y en la historia de la comunidad cristiana, la necesidad de testimoniar el amor y la vida en Cristo, muchas veces se repiten, teniendo que a veces enfrentar las injusticias y la hipocresía de algunos que intentan apropiarse de la fe, de la Iglesia, e imponer a los humildes a los cristianos y también a los que intentan transformar a las personas y al mundo (siguiendo los ejemplos del Maestro), sus voluntades e intereses mezquinos, de acuerdo con valores seculares, pero alejados de la verdad y de los evangelios, como en el pasado de los judíos, que seducidos por lo mundano, rechazaron al Señor ya los que seguían con entusiasmo las lecciones que Él transmitió con amor.
Hoy vemos, poderosos y gobiernos, junto con algunos que piensan controlar o ser líderes, incluso entre nosotros cristianos, intentar una vez más determinar cómo debemos vivir nuestra fe y religiosidad, pero en desacuerdo con los ejemplos, palabras y mandamientos de Jesús, sea por los intereses relacionados al "poder", sea por el mantenimiento de status y desvíos, que en nuestra Iglesia, entre nosotros católicos, no encuentran respaldo en el representante de Cristo, el Papa Francisco, ni en la mayoría de los sacerdotes y del pueblo de Dios.
A pesar de que en muchos momentos del pasado, los hipócritas desleales, atacan, mienten, acusan indebidamente, juzgan e intentan entorpecer el curso de nuestra caminata hacia el Reino de Dios, inspirada por el Espíritu Santo y propiciada por Jesús, también a través del sucesor de Pedro, que muy dignamente se disponen a amar, a continuación, y ser luz y ejemplo, como de él se espera, en calidad de apóstol de Jesús. Y que en el momento ha hecho mucho para apartar a la Iglesia de graves desvíos, y denunciar y combatir injusticias, intentando conducir a los católicos y muchos otros, a posiciones más fraternas, humildes y verdaderas.
En un mundo en el que vemos, millones abandonados y todas las formas de violencias, otros millones segregados por raza, color, sexo, o origen, y en medio de la pobreza, y el hambre, las explotaciones y las amenazas, duramente denunciadas por Francisco, de paso, oportunamente, mientras que en algunas partes crecen el extremismo y las maldades con muchos asesinatos, y supuestos líderes, que desean fomentar las guerras y muertes, por petróleo, por dinero y poder, incluso aquí en América del Sur, donde aún hay otros dudosos gobernantes, también dichos "cristianos", incentivando violencias y en repentin de odio, y con gestos de discriminaciones, son capaces de decir y proponer absurdos, como: aceptar tranquilamente, la prostitución y el turismo sexual en "su patria", desde que sea en una relación heterosexual sexual, donde "hombres" van en busca de mujeres en otras naciones, como si fuera enormes prostíbulos, y nada significasen las palabras de Cristo en el sentido de elevar la dignidad humana.
Sólo nos queda decir, y desear que más ejemplos como los de los apóstoles en Jerusalén, y del Papa Francisco en el Vaticano, ocurran urgentemente, guiados por el amor y la verdad, y sean denunciadas las maldades e injusticias, con los cristianos resistiendo a los ataques de los pseudos poderosas, y las convenciones mundanas, para que haya la percepción y replicación de lo que se dice en Hechos de los Apóstoles: "¡Es necesario obedecer antes a Dios que a los hombres!"
Hechos de los Apóstoles 05:29
Pedro y los apóstoles replicaron: "Es necesario obedecer antes a Dios que a los hombres."
With these words inspired by the Holy Spirit, Peter and the other apostles of Christ answered the elders and the Jewish priests when asked about the word they spread throughout Jerusalem in the name of Jesus, the Savior of mankind, slain with their support Pharisees and the Sanhedrin, who tried in vain to subdue and silence their followers.
And in the history of the Christian community, the need to witness to love and life in Christ often repeats itself, sometimes having to face the injustices and hypocrisy of some who try to take ownership of the faith of the Church and impose on the humble , Christians and also those who try to transform people and the world (following the Master's example), their petty wishes and interests, according to secular values, but away from the truth and the gospels, as in the past of the Jews, who seduced by the worldly, rejected the Lord and those who followed with enthusiasm the lessons He imparted with love.
Today we see, powerful and governments, together with some who think to control or be leaders, even among us Christians, to try once more to determine how we should live our faith and religiosity, but at odds with Jesus' example, words and commandments, whether by interests related to "power," or the maintenance of status and deviations, that in our Church, among us Catholics, do not find support in the representative of Christ, Pope Francisco, or in most of the priests and the people of God.
Yet as in many instances in the past unfair hypocrites attack, lie, accuse unduly, judge and try to disrupt the course of our journey toward the Kingdom of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and propitiated by Jesus, also through the successor of Peter, who very worthily to love, to follow, and to be light and example, as expected of him, as an apostle of Jesus. And that at the moment it has done much to remove the Church from grave deviations, and denounce and combat injustices, trying to lead Catholics and many others, to more fraternal, humble and true positions.
In a world in which we see millions abandoned and all forms of violence, millions more segregated by race, color, sex, or origin, and in the midst of poverty, and hunger, exploitation and threats, strongly denounced by Francis, say while in some quarters grow extremism and evil with many murders, and supposed leaders, who wish to foment wars and deaths, for oil, for money and power, even here in South America, where still there are other dubious rulers, also called "Christians", encouraging violence and in hatred, and with gestures of discrimination, are capable of saying and proposing absurdities, such as: accepting quietly, prostitution and sex tourism in "their homeland", provided that it is in a sexual relationship, where "men" go in search of women in other nations, as if it were huge brothels, and the words of Christ did not mean to raise human dignity.
We can only hope that more examples such as those of the apostles in Jerusalem and of Pope Francis in the Vatican take place urgently, guided by love and truth, and denunciations of evil and injustice, with Christians resisting the attacks of the pseudo powerful, and worldly conventions, so that there is perception and replication of what is said in the Acts of the Apostles: "It is necessary to obey God rather than men!"
Acts of the Apostles
Peter and the apostles replied: "It is necessary to obey God rather than men."
And in the history of the Christian community, the need to witness to love and life in Christ often repeats itself, sometimes having to face the injustices and hypocrisy of some who try to take ownership of the faith of the Church and impose on the humble , Christians and also those who try to transform people and the world (following the Master's example), their petty wishes and interests, according to secular values, but away from the truth and the gospels, as in the past of the Jews, who seduced by the worldly, rejected the Lord and those who followed with enthusiasm the lessons He imparted with love.
Today we see, powerful and governments, together with some who think to control or be leaders, even among us Christians, to try once more to determine how we should live our faith and religiosity, but at odds with Jesus' example, words and commandments, whether by interests related to "power," or the maintenance of status and deviations, that in our Church, among us Catholics, do not find support in the representative of Christ, Pope Francisco, or in most of the priests and the people of God.
Yet as in many instances in the past unfair hypocrites attack, lie, accuse unduly, judge and try to disrupt the course of our journey toward the Kingdom of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and propitiated by Jesus, also through the successor of Peter, who very worthily to love, to follow, and to be light and example, as expected of him, as an apostle of Jesus. And that at the moment it has done much to remove the Church from grave deviations, and denounce and combat injustices, trying to lead Catholics and many others, to more fraternal, humble and true positions.
In a world in which we see millions abandoned and all forms of violence, millions more segregated by race, color, sex, or origin, and in the midst of poverty, and hunger, exploitation and threats, strongly denounced by Francis, say while in some quarters grow extremism and evil with many murders, and supposed leaders, who wish to foment wars and deaths, for oil, for money and power, even here in South America, where still there are other dubious rulers, also called "Christians", encouraging violence and in hatred, and with gestures of discrimination, are capable of saying and proposing absurdities, such as: accepting quietly, prostitution and sex tourism in "their homeland", provided that it is in a sexual relationship, where "men" go in search of women in other nations, as if it were huge brothels, and the words of Christ did not mean to raise human dignity.
We can only hope that more examples such as those of the apostles in Jerusalem and of Pope Francis in the Vatican take place urgently, guided by love and truth, and denunciations of evil and injustice, with Christians resisting the attacks of the pseudo powerful, and worldly conventions, so that there is perception and replication of what is said in the Acts of the Apostles: "It is necessary to obey God rather than men!"
Acts of the Apostles
Peter and the apostles replied: "It is necessary to obey God rather than men."
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